The Benefits of Water
Water is a cheat code for weight loss. It’s zero calories. It’s insanely vital for your health. It removes harmful toxins from your body. It even fills you up and helps suppress the dangerous, mid-meal cravings.
Read MoreNo More BS: Running 101
Running sucks. It takes time, it’s painful, it can be monotonous.
Read MoreNo More BS: Eat food you like
It’s really hard to stick to a diet if you hate the food you are eating. We love to eat, and if eating became something we dreaded… life would be much, much harder.
Read MoreNo More BS: Dieting 101
Low-carb, no-carb, low-fat, no-fat, Atkins, Paleo, Zone, Ketogenic, South Beach, Intermittent Fasting...
If you’ve dieted before, you probably spent a ton of time looking up the right type of diet for you. Here’s the dirty secret: the diet you pick should be the one that is easiest for you to follow
Read MoreHow Our Emails Help You
Our daily emails have one simple purpose: to help you achieve your goal.
A peer-reviewed study in Diabetes Care found that messages reminding people to focus on losing weight resulted in a 300%+ increase in weight loss over the control group (more detail).
Read MoreWe Want You To Succeed
One of the most frequent questions we get is whether we actually want users to succeed. Let us address that idea head-on.
Read MoreScience Is On your Side
Losing Weight is Math
There’s a simple formula to weight loss:
Calories In — Calories Burned = Weight Loss
Now let’s actually break this down.
- Calories In — This is pretty simple. It’s just the calories you intake in a day from whatever you ate or drank. Calorie counters like MyFitnessPal can help you track this easily.
- Calories Burned — This is also pretty simple, although a bit harder to measure. If you exercised today, you burned some calories, which an app like Strava or Fitocracy can somewhat help you measure.
- Weight Loss — This is the most complicated part of the equation, which is explained below. But if the left side of the equation is lower than your maintenance calorie count (i.e. the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight), then you will lose weight.
Other Health Apps We Like
There are other health-related apps that we use regularly in conjunction with Motivatr. Here’s a few that we use regularly:
Read MoreEveryone Hates the Scale
There’s a lot of conflicting information pertaining to how often you should weigh yourself — daily, bi-weekly, weekly. But it all boils down to one simple piece of advice: losing weight is predicated on weighing yourself regularly. It doesn’t matter if you weigh yourself weekly or daily. The single easiest thing to do when losing weight is to measure your weight. Knowing how you are tracking to a weight loss goal is CRITICAL to weight loss, which is something that every expert and study agrees on.
Read MoreTIP: Don’t overeat when you are full just because you don’t want to waste food.
Don’t overeat when you are full just because you don’t want to waste food. Either way the food is going to waste. Eating it when you don’t want it or need it will only unnecessarily hurt your body in the process. Just throw the extra food away.
Read MoreAfraid of the Gym?
Going to the gym can be intimidating. You might not be sure what to do or how to use machines. And seeing people sweating or grunting while using cardio machines or lifting weights can crush your motivation to be at the gym. But don’t despair!
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